Lalit Arora, a Graphic Designer by profession, is an alumnus of Delhi College of Art. An avid photographer and a humble person with a vivid imagination, he loves travelling and seeing different places. He has driven extensively across the country and has never missed opportunities to capture the diversity and beauty of nature in his cherished photographs.
He strongly believes in nature as a synonym for God. Always cheerful, compassionate and true to heart, he believes that nature is a great teacher that shows that everything that is there, has its own purpose, and we should appreciate and value it. Our Nature Storyteller family is always incomplete without Lalit’s jokes and liveliness.
Spending time in the lap of nature has led him to believe that nature is in no hurry – like, the squirrels move at their own pace, birds fly as freely as they wish, and plants grow into big trees in their own time; sadly, humans seem to be in a hurry for everything!
Photography started as a hobby for him and he quickly discovered his interest in birding and wildlife while on his first trip to Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in 2019. Within a span of a few months, he made few good photographer friends who inspired and motivated him to learn the tips and tricks of this game. As a result, many of his photos have started featuring in the National Geographic’s ‘Top 25 Birds of the Week’, ‘Wild Bird Revolution’, and various national and international photography competitions.
“Photography has saved me from the stresses of life and put me on a completely different road. I can’t imagine how I would have coped and found happiness had it not been for this passion; perhaps, the same routines and the struggle to grasp a mirage!”, he laughingly says.