Birds World

Nature Storyteller > Birds World

Birds are a special kind of animals that have transformed with time to fly. Classified under Aves, these beautiful creatures have evolved their feathers, light-weight skeletons, toothless-beaked jaws, etc. that help them in following a lifestyle of their own.

Some birds can fly whereas some can swim or dive whereas some live on land and run instead of flying or swimming. On Nature Storyteller, we have made it simple for people to look out for their favourite birds. We have taken a unique approach for classification where we have arranged birds based on their habitat that is easy for a normal human being to find.

We consider owls as the most unique and the most learned among birds. To honour their knowledge and evolution, we have kept owls in a separate category. Another such arrangement done by us is for raptors that lie on top of the avian food chain. Eagles, kites, falcons, etc. come under this category.

Owl Nature Storyteller




Tree-dwelling Birds

Tree-dwelling Birds

Water Birds

Water Birds

sea bird

Sea Birds

land birds

Land Birds

Birds have been our friends for ages and we can find their mention in almost all religious texts, mythologies, and ancient scriptures. However, due to a lack of compassion and growing selfishness, we have started caging them.

Many birds lose their cheerfulness when caged and eventually die in captivity. We intend to motivate people and encourage them to open doors of all such cages and let the birds in captivity fly out into the lap of nature.

We also plan to open various Bird Rescue Centres in future where birds rescued from captivity will be taken care of and once they are fit to venture into the wild, we will let them free as per their habitat.

It is an appeal from Nature Storytellers to please encourage people to free caged birds and contribute towards a healthy and flourishing environment. It is also our humble appeal from you to have bird feeders and water bowls in your balconies so that birds can frequent to your home and bring nature close to you with chirps and tweets.