Animals World

Nature Storyteller > Animals World

Our earth consists of two kinds of living beings largely – Plants and Animals. For a layman, if a living thing can locomote, it is an animal and if it can’t, we consider it as a plant. It is worth mentioning that both plants and animals are interconnected and need each other’s support to live.

The beauty of life forms on earth is that even one species of animals needs various others for its survival. This very complex structure ensures that nature thrives at its own and if left untouched, it makes way for a balanced system.

Animals are classified on a number of factors, be it diet, types of habitat, behaviour or the way they reproduce. It can get complex and difficult to understand and memorize each and everything if we get into too deep.

As per Wikipedia, there are more than 1.5 million animal species, out of which, 1 million are covered under insects.

On Nature Storytellers, we have covered various animal species and categorised them in a way that makes it easy for a normal human being to understand. Our categories include the following:







We have excluded birds from this classification as already have an extensive section on Birds.

We humans have done a lot of injustice to the animal world, knowingly or unknowingly. In the name of petting, food, production and a lot of allied services have led to the hunting of all kinds of animals. Even today, Elephants in Asia and Africa are killed for tusk to make ivory products. Even rhinoceros are poached throughout the Afro-Asian regions for their horns.

We, as Nature Storytellers, aim to show you how beautiful these animals are and will also try to bring interesting facts on them that will be difficult to find somewhere else. Our sole aim here will be to bring these animals close to you and make you love these creatures. Then, it won’t be a surprise if you connect with us to contribute towards conserving the wildlife.

You can actively contribute towards conservation by helping us in spreading awareness by sharing our posts with your family and friends on various social media channels.